Active Power Filters (APF)

In grid, nonlinear loads, such as diode rectifiers, will release a large number of harmonics into the power grid during operation. The harmonics appear in the form of reactive power on the power grid, which not only cause a lot of heat in the transformer to seriously affect the capacity of the transformer, but also flow into other loads and affect their proper operation. To effectively suppress the harmonics, a corresponding APF device must be deployed on the load side.
The AC voltage is generally 380V, and the output current capability is generally at the 100A or 1000A level. High-power power modules can be used as cabinets, or low-power power single switches or modules can be used in parallel with power modules. Bronze Technologies has developed different solutions for different implementations for these applications.

Active Power Filters (APF)

The AC voltage is generally 380V, and the output current capability is generally at the 100A or 1000A level. High-power power modules can be used as cabinets, or low-power power single switches or modules can be used in parallel with power modules. Bronze Technologies has developed different solutions for different implementations for these applications.

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